Sunday, March 15, 2015

Been there and done that...

This blog was originally started as a way to document some pretty big changes in my life. Well, today this blog is going to follow me on what will become a multi-year journey: getting in shape, getting my anxiety under control and hopefully getting back out into the dating world. I believe no one will read this blog but the idea of having an audience is a motivator to keep going. So here it is:

Starting weight: 340# 
Starting Anxiety: I am about a 6-7 on average and would do anything to not go places.
Last Date: About 3 months ago with a creeper.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

From the North Pole to North Carolina!

I am now in Raleigh, NC former hangout of sis-in-law Kim. I will be teaching 6th grade science at Henderson Middle School in Henderson, NC and living with my good friend (from Alaska) Kristen Chaney. But let's start at the beginning shall we?

I left Alaksa because, well, it sucked and moved back home in time for some great Christmas celebrations:

Aunt Heather's Fabulous Pink Christmas Tree

Grandma and Grandpa D's Boring Christmas Tree (non-pink)

Then came my birthday celebrated with my good friends the Trivettes:

Trish preparing to make the cake.

Me super excited to eat the cake.

Staring down the dog for my cake. You will never win dog- I am hungrier and meaner.

Beautiful hair accessories my nieces made for me.

Next came my special time with niece Emma, we got a couple of days of good snuggle time:

Me practicing my auntie kisses.

Emma's reaction to auntie kisses.

Like a good aunt I built a fire with which to roast marshmellows.

At this point I decided to go see the place I might live with Kristen Chaney, we got a lovely surprise visit from Alisha Taylor.


Wild Mustangs of the Outer Banks.

Me whispering to the mustang and melding our minds to become as one.

Me on a dune pretending to be Miss June- looks like I might have a secret...

Some wild mustangs...and horses too!

 A new tradition started this year in which the three siblings- Matt. Luke and Heather all get together and act like adults. So sophisticated we three. Shoes were lost, swimming in a natural spring was done and Emma coaxed her dad into getting her a ninja star at a gas station in Arkansas. I maintain I declared this decision a bad one and refuse any liability.

Lukie at the end of a 16 hour drive.

Ainsley being a monkey.

Aunt Heather proving she could in fact climb trees.

Where Jack lost his shoe and Aunt Heather lost hers looking for it.

Now for North Carolina! Kristen and I had worked together in Alaska at seperate sites. Hendeerson Middle hired us and neither of us realized the other was going to work there until after the interviews. So we decided to move in together as roommates. We were very lucky and got a great deal on an apartment in Raleigh and are super happy with it. Here is my wing and living area:

Me snuggled into my pink bed.

My chair on the balcony, that door opens into my bedroom.

View from balcony.

Kristen working her culinary magic.

Our classy table- notice the salad AND dinner forks.

Our living room, a little colorful.

Coming in the door, my wing is on the right.

Bathroom. Water comes out of the faucet- any temp I want.

View of my wing from door.

My pink unmade bed and desk. I feel as though it would have been a lie to make the bed first
as this never happens in real life.
And so you are caught up on my life. I start work (orientation) next week so updates to come. What I have learned so far:

1) NC is hot and muggy and hates fair skinned people.
2) My uncle will fb stalk anyone who is my roommate.
3) I am only 4 hours away from my cousin Anna so I get to visit her!
4) I miss my mommy and daddy, its strange how you get used to eating at 4pm.
5) My friend Kristen is super amazing!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Kwethlukian Flood 2012

Hello all, sorry to have been so neglectful of the blog. A brief overview of what is happening here:

1) I am coming back next, I will be Dean of Students. Plus, I am super lucky my roommate is staying and we get to rock out in the nice house again next year.
2) I will be spending a week in Walt Disney World at the end of May! My good friends Andrea, Kristen and Amy will all be there! Amy and I will fly out from Bethel together.
3) We are close to the end of the school year BUT what would Alaska be without a little natural disaster? So.............

Presenting "Kwethluk Rising" the blog post to kick off coverage of the 2012 flood.

Some pics from the village:

Of course the water is not really high up into the village but its thought it will either get really bad or go away.

The view from my house:

Kristin and I dutifully prepared for lack of water:

Some cool pics of the ice flow:

And, of course, a video:

Monday, March 5, 2012


Hello all, sorry for the delay! After months of planning and crying I finally got to go to ANCHORAGE! It was super fun but the greatest part was Running with the Reindeer! Here are some pics:

Me at the start of the race rocking the 396:

Amy and her bum arm pretending to care about the race:

Even Donner is excited for the race to start:

Blitzen was much more calm about the whole deal:

Me getting as close as I could to the reindeer in their pen:

Me getting a tidge closer:

Me and my new BFF Prancer:

The race was great- nobody was seriously hurt and memories were made. Highly suggest Fur Rondy to anyone.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Birthdays, Snow-Gos and Bethel

I am sorry for the neglecting of blog entries. There are so many things I want to say!

First, a heartfelt thank you to Jill Phillips and Amy Orsborn's families. Your beautiful gifts and encouraging notes have kept me going! Andrea Murdick, thank you for your oranges and grapefruits! So yummy!

For an adventurous twist I decided to show you what life is like up here through some pics and video.

We threw a birthday party for a lovely fellow teacher, Ashley. We also had Teddy over, my postal worker,  who will be retiring January 1.

I am very lucky to live within snow-going distance to Bethel. Yesterday my housemate gave me a ride on the back of her brand new snow machine. It even has hand warmers!

First layer: scarf, head band, hat and hoodie of hoodie.

Boots good to -25 Fahrenheit.

Last layer is a big ass parka, which is the technical term.

Piece de resistance: goggles.

Sled with the dog.

Leah, another first year teacher, rocking the snow-go gear.

A lovely video of our trip into Bethel. I am behind Kristin, my roommate,  Christina (Vice Principal) is in the front and Leah is second.

Leah and the sign that says "Kwethluk 10 miles" we see on our way home. It lied. No trail. No Kwethluk.  It took 30 minutes to get to Bethel, 3 hours to get home. Almost died. Twice.  Lessons were learned. Leadership was questioned. Memories were made.

Me at the end of the trip. My butt hurt, but I had fun.